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Alleged Rothschild Message: "We Must Bring Russia to It's Knees ... to Protect Our Global System"

March 10, 2022
This message is said to have come from the heir to the Rothschild family, Nathaniel Rothschild, who allegedly communicated with British government leaders regarding the current Ukraine/Russia crisis. In the post, the writer calls Vladimir Putin the "most dangerous man" who threatens "our global order." The message then calls for military action against Russia, weaponry to be sent to Ukraine, and "information warfare" to "correct opinion," especially online. Notably, Facebook has flagged the post as unverified (which may give it more credibility!), and according to a spokesperson from Rothschild's investment company, "This is utterly untrue and completely fabricated." So the message could be a fake, or Rothschild could have written it and is simply denying it. Either way, the message is certainly consistent with what other "elites" and globalists like Klaus ...

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